1. Solar pan­els con­vert sun­light into Direct Cur­rent (DC) elec­tri­cal energy.

2. The invert­er con­verts the solar DC pow­er into 240V Alter­nat­ing Cur­rent (AC) elec­tri­cal ener­gy ready to be used in your home.

3. AC Pow­er from the invert­er goes through your exist­ing Switch­board for use in your home, fed back into the grid or stored in a Battery.

4. The Elec­tric­i­ty Meter records the ener­gy being sent to the grid from your solar sys­tem as well as the ener­gy con­sumed from the grid.

5. Any sur­plus elec­tric­i­ty being gen­er­at­ed usu­al­ly flows through to the mains grid where you will be able to receive a Feed in Tarif (FIT).

Our Progress


Solar Pan­els Installed

What our cus­tomers are saying