Joel & Lau­ren, Arm­strong Creek
Sun­rise Inno­va­tions did an amaz­ing job with our solar we are very hap­py. Installers were polite, friend­ly and very pro­fes­sion­al. They left no mess and fin­ished the job in a time­ly man­ner. The price for out sys­tem was great.
Sun­rise inno­va­tions are a thor­ough­ly pro­fes­sion­al and very help­ful group of peo­ple. All the staff I encoun­tered were cour­te­ous and hap­py to assist…
Sun­rise Inno­va­tions have been an absolute plea­sure to deal with and I couldn’t rec­om­mend more high­ly. Our ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion with solar spe­cial­ist Jeff was trou­ble free, he was very knowl­edge­able and he helped us with the Solar Vic­to­ria appli­ca­tion process. There was con­stant com­mu­ni­ca­tion from the Solar Innovation’s team whilst we wait­ed for our appli­ca­tion to be approved. Once the appli­ca­tion was approved, instal­la­tion was booked in for the fol­low­ing week. Installers were here on time, took the time to explain the instal­la­tion process. High qual­i­ty invert­er and pan­els used, install was very neat and tidy, couldn’t be happier.
We had our solar pan­els installed today. We were very hap­py with the Sun­rise Inno­va­tions team. The process from sign­ing up to hav­ing them installed was very quick and with­out any prob­lems. The staff were help­ful dur­ing the ini­tial process to have us ready for the install. The team that came out to fit the pan­els were friend­ly and knowl­edge­able and the instal­la­tion was done safe­ly and with­out inci­dents. I would high­ly rec­om­mend the Sun­rise Inno­va­tion team. 5 stars.