Risen Solar Panel - 440W N- type


Key Features

Tier 1
Glob­al, Tier 1 bank­able brand, with inde­pen­dent­ly cer­ti­fied state-of-the-art auto­mat­ed manufacturing

Lead­ing War­ran­ty
Indus­try lead­ing 25 years prod­uct war­ran­ty and 30 years per­for­mance warranty.

N‑type solar cell, does not exhib­it LID.

Local Offices
40-strong local team with offices in Vic­to­ria, Queens­land, New South Wales and West­ern 

Mul­ti­ple Awards
Award­ed the Top Brand PV Seal 
in Aus­tralia for 4 con­sec­u­tive years by EUPD Research

Severe Weath­er Resilience
Excel­lent wind load 2400Pa & snow load 5400Pa under cer­tain instal­la­tion method

High Effi­cien­cy
Indus­try lead­ing low­est ther­mal co-effi­cient of power

PID Resis­tant
Excel­lent PID resistance

Dura­bil­i­ty against extreme envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions
High salt mist and ammo­nia resis­tance cer­ti­fied by TUV NORD.

Sungrow Premium Inverter


Key Features

2.5 – 6kW Sin­gle phase series string inverter’s effi­cien­cy of has improved dramatically.Solis-1P(2.5 – 6)kW-4G series are suit­able for the instal­la­tion of sin­gle-phase input pv sys­tem of dif­fer­ent types, residential,commercial and indus­tri­al and adopt ultra-high switch­ing fre­quen­cy, ultra-thin sin­gle four-lay­er board design can great­ly reduce the risk caused by the connector.

Max. effi­cien­cy 98.1%

Com­plies with West­ern Pow­er, SA, VIC, QLD, and NSW grid requirements

Inte­grate with adjustable Volt-Watt and Volt-Var function

DRM inte­grat­ed, ful­ly com­ply with AS4777.2:2015

Built-in DC-PV2 Switch, com­ply with AS/NZS 5033 requirements

Sup­port 24h con­sump­tion mon­i­tor­ing with a smart meter

Super high fre­quen­cy switch­ing technology

2 MPPT design with pre­cise MPPT algorithm

Inte­grat­ed Export Pow­er Manager(EPM)

Com­pact and lightweight

Volt­age active pow­er and reac­tive power

Sungrow - High Voltage LFP Battery


Key Features

Up to 30A con­tin­u­ous charg­ing and dis­charg­ing cur­rent with high effi­cien­cy. Up to 100% usable energy.

Lithi­um iron phos­phate bat­tery. Mul­ti-stages pro­tec­tion design plusautho­rized certification.

Extend­able dur­ing life­time. Sup­port 3 – 8 mod­ules per unit, max. 4 units inpar­al­lel, 9 – 100 kWh capac­i­ty range.

All-In-One Heat Pump - 270L | 320L


Key Features

The Emerald’s All-In-One Heat Pump offers a styl­ish design and sig­nif­i­cant cost sav­ings for your hot water needs. With its com­pact form, it seam­less­ly fits into any res­i­den­tial setting.

Option­al built-in elec­tric heater
Both mod­els are avail­able with an option­al built-in back­up elec­tric heater.

Com­pact styl­ish design
Fea­tures high-effi­cien­cy DC invert­er tech­nol­o­gy that min­imis­es noise for a qui­eter operation. 

Wi-Fi enabled
Wi-Fi enabled mod­els can be eas­i­ly con­nect­ed to the Emer­ald app for smart con­trol via mobile phone.

Pre­mi­um com­po­nents
Made from qual­i­ty com­po­nents for
opti­mum per­for­mance and reliability.

Not all Solar Pan­els are equal

When choos­ing a solar pan­el it is impor­tant to con­sid­er both how it is man­u­fac­tured and what mate­ri­als are used. There are 3 tiers of man­u­fac­tur­er qual­i­ty and Sun­rise Inno­va­tions sup­plies solar pan­els from Tier 1 Manufacturers.

All solar pan­els we install are man­u­fac­tured by Tier 1. They have a 12 year man­u­fac­tur­ing war­ran­ty and a 25 year per­for­mance war­ran­ty. These war­ranties are backed by the mod­ule man­u­fac­tur­er and Sun­rise Inno­va­tions is a reg­is­tered agent for each brand.

Brands we install

We care­ful­ly select only the best prod­ucts to ensure your ener­gy solu­tion is built to last.